Malaga Live Webcams

Live webcams in Malaga show real-time views of streets, squares, the old town, churches, hotels, restaurants, airport, seaport, parks, promenades, beaches, and attractions in this sixth largest city in Spain and the capital of the province of Malaga in Andalusia. Live webcams show panoramic views of the city, the surrounding nature, and the weather conditions in Malaga from anywhere in the world. Some of the webcams stream images with sound. The most popular webcams are located at the top of the streaming list. Each of the live webcams has an informative description and a map with its location in the city. A map on this page displays the exact location of each webcam in Malaga.

Brief information about Malaga

Malaga is a city and the capital of the province of Malaga in the autonomous community of Andalusia in southern Spain, as well as the one of the largest seaports in Spain. Its has an area of 395 km² and its population exceeds 571 thousand people. Malaga is the second largest city in Andalusia after Seville and the sixth largest city in all of Spain.

Malaga is located on the Mediterranean coast at the southernmost point of the Iberian Peninsula, 134 km northeast of Gibraltar, 60 km northwest of the city of Marbella. The city was founded by the Phoenicians in the VIII century BC and is one of the oldest cities in Europe and one of the oldest cities on the entire Mediterranean coast.

Today, Malaga is the main resort of the Costa del Sol tourist region. The city is the birthplace of legendary artist Pablo Picasso and the famous movie actor Antonio Banderas. Malaga is known for its many attractions, magnificent long sandy beaches and beautiful promenades.

Climate in Malaga

Malaga has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and very warm, rainy winters. The Sierra Morena and the Cordillera Betica mountains protect the city from the cold north winds. The hottest months are July and August with an average temperature of +26 °C. Summer temperatures often rise to +30 °C and higher, but frequent breezes from the sea make Malaga one of the most pleasant cities to live in all of Europe. Winters in Malaga are considered the warmest of all European cities, with an average temperature of +12°C.

Most precipitation falls in autumn and winter. The wettest months in Malaga are October, November, December and January. During the summer months rainfall is very rare. This live webcams on the page show you the weather conditions in Malaga in live.

Landmarks of Malaga

One of the oldest cities in Europe, Malaga has a history of about 2800 years. In it you can see a lot of historical and architectural sights that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.

Some of the most popular landmarks in Malaga include: Malaga Old Town, the Cathedral of Malaga, the 11th century Alcazaba Fortress, the Roman Theater, first mentioned in the 1st century BC, Plaza de la Constitución, which is the main square of Malaga, Malaga City Hall (Spanish: Casa consistorial de Málaga), Marques de Larios Street (Calle Marques de Larios), Marques de Larios Street (Calle Marques de Larios), Episcopal Palace, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus), Malaga Park (Parque de Malaga), founded in 1896 and one of the largest urban parks in Europe.