Wyk auf Föhr Live Webcams

Live webcams in Wyk auf Föhr show of streets, hotels, parks, beaches, and sights of the only town on the island of Föhr in the North Sea in northwestern Germany. Webcams show panoramic views of the town, the surrounding nature and help you find out the weather conditions in Wick auf Föhr from anywhere in the world. Some of the webcams stream images with sound. The most popular webcams are located at the top of the streaming list. Each of the live webcams has an informative description and a map with its location in the town. A map on this page displays the exact location of each webcam in Wick-auf-Föhr.

Wyk auf Föhr is a small town on the island of Föhr in the North Sea, in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in northwestern Germany. It is the only town on the island of Föhr and is known for its beautiful nature.

The town has 4,421 inhabitants and an area of about 8 km².

The main attractions of Wyk auf Föhr include: St. Nicholas Church, the Catholic church of St. Mary, Olhörn Lighthouse (German: Leuchtturm Olhörn, and the beautiful long white sandy beaches on the North Sea coast. Walking and cycling are popular here.