Peniscola Live Webcams

Live webcams in Peniscola show real-time views of streets, squares, the old town, castles, cathedrals, churches, scenes from restaurants and hotels, the port, promenades, beaches and attractions of this city in the Province of Castellón in the Valencian Community, Spain. Live webcams show panoramic views of the city, the surrounding nature, and the weather conditions in Peniscola from anywhere in the world. Some of the webcams stream images with sound. The most popular webcams are located at the top of the streaming list. Each of the live webcams has an informative description and a map with its location in the city. A map on this page displays the exact location of each webcam in Peniscola.

Brief information about Peniscola

Peniscola is a small picturesque town and a popular resort on the Costa del Azahar in the province of Castellon in the northern part of the Valencian Community in eastern Spain. It is known for its historic old town, medieval castle, and beautiful sandy beaches. Peñíscola is served by Castellon–Costa Azahar Airport (Spanish: Aeropuerto de Castellón), located 45 km southwest of the town.

Peniscola is located on the Mediterranean coast, 78 km north of Castellón de la Plana and 154 km north of Valencia. The old town of Peniscola is located on a small rocky promontory that juts out into the sea. The town has a population of about 8,210 inhabitants and an area of 79 km².

Climate in Peniscola

The climate in Peniscola is Mediterranean, with hot, arid summers and mild, wet winters. Summer temperatures usually range from +25°C to +35°C, while winter temperatures rarely drop below +10°C.

The warmest months are July and August, when the tourist season is at its peak. Summer in Peniscola is characterized by a large number of sunny days. Most of the precipitation in late fall and during the winter months.

The best time to visit Peniscola for beach vacations and outdoor activities is late spring, summer and early fall, when temperatures are warm and rainfall is minimal.

Peniscola Attractions

Peniscola combines historic charm and beautiful scenery, making it a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.

Some of the most popular attractions include: Peniscola Old Town, Peniscola Castle, the long sandy beach of North Beach (Playa Norte), the picturesque South Beach (Playa Sur) in the old town, St. Mary’s Church (Iglesia de Santa María), the Serra d’Irta Natural Park (Parc Natural de la Serra d’Irta), Las Viudas Beach (Playa de las Viudas) and others.